View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Joined on 7/8/09

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icefire23's News

Posted by icefire23 - August 13th, 2010

Ash: ugh..
Nurse Joy: Glad to see you awake.
Ash: Where am i?
Joy: You are in Port Pultown
Ash: How'd i get here?
Joy: You and your friend were found on the outskirst of town.
Brock: Ash glad to see you awake!
Ash: Pikachu!
Brock: I guess we let our Guard down.
Ash: Becasue of us Dawn got captured.
Joy: Captured you say?
Brock: Yeah.
Joy: oh no not this again.
Ash: Again?
Joy: A mysterious group has been kidnapping Trainers and Pokemon.
Brock: What's this groups name?
Joy: Officer Jenny will be able to tell you more. She and her group recently caught two men kidnapping two trainers.
Ash: let's go.

( Back at the lab)

???: SO would you mind telling me your name.
Dawn: it's Dawn.
Funny Looking Man: EIN!
Ein: Yes miror B.?
Miror B: Where have you been?
Ein: I've been gathering new recruits.
Miror B.: this is cutie the new one?
Dawn: I happen to have a Boyfriend you Freak!
Ein: is that so? Maybe i can recruit him so you two can be the Shadow duo.
Dawn: Leave a-...
Miror B. : Can i have a word with you Ein?
Ein: Sure.

Miror B.: The Grunts have been caught.
Ein: impudent fools.
Miror B.: But they have kept there worth. I think they have found the ONE
Ein: You mean the the girl?
Miror B: Yes the girl.
Ein: Well there is only ONE way to make sure of that.
Miror B: How so?
Ein: You will battle her
Miror B: What?! Why can't YOU do it?
Ein: I'll bee monitering her Shadow Power levels from above.
Miror B.: Well I'll do it then.

Dawn: hey this is a Pokemon Battle Arerna!
Miror B: Yes you and I are having a battle. Ein wants to test your battling skills!
Dawn: fine...
Miror B: GO-Ludicolo!


Dawn: GO- Buneary!

Miror B: Use rain dance!

Dawn: Use dizzy Punch!

While Ludicolo Made it Rain Buneary Punch it silly with it's ears.

Miror B: Use Ice punch!
Dawn: use Ice beam!

Ludicolo blocked the beam with it's frozen hand and snuffed Buneary.

Dawn: use Bonuce!
Miror B: Charge up a Drain punch!
Dawn: use Ice Beam to make a ice ramp and use dizzy Punch!

Buneray slide down the ramp but when it got to the bottom...Ludicolo uppercutted it! Buneary landed in front of Dawn.

Dawn: Buneary return!

Dawn looked up at the screen and saw it was a 3 on 3 battle...well 3 on 2 now.

Dawn: go Piplup!


Miror B: OH that's a Small Fella.


Dark energy shocked Dawn.

Dawn: What was that?!
Miror B: That was the Dark energy!
Dawn: why did it hurt me then?
Miror B: Becasue you are resisting it! Don't resist appect it!
Miror B: Ice punch!

Ludicolo Dodged Piplup's Hydro Pump and Slammed it's -1000 C Fist into Plplup frezzing him solid!

Dawn: Piplup return! Go-Mamosiwn!


Miror B: Oh That's a BIG FELLA!
Miror B: Dodge it!

More Dark energy surround and shcoked Dawn,

Ein: Why is she resistiing it?
Miror B: DON'T RESIST! Let the energy flow through you like my dance moves!

Mamoswine rammed Ludicolo with it's tusk.

Dawn: use Ancient Power!
Miror B: Use Drain Punch!

Ludicolo punched Mamoswine and Mamoswine fell to the ground.

Dawn: Ugh this guy is creaming me...( I need to calm down and focus... if i do it right Piplup will win this for me...) GO! Piplup!
Miror B: you again...Drain punch!

Ludicolo hit Piplup with it's fist.

Miror B: This is getting boring. finish it with Drain Punch.

Ludicolo Charged up a drain punch when a wave of Dark energy shoved them back!


Ein: WHAT THE-Her readings are of the CHARTS!

Ein checked the Shadow Monitor, Dawns Shadow energy levels are...OVER 9000! Not even KIDDING THIS TIME!

Dawn: Piplup use Hydro Cannon!



Miror B: OH NO!

Dawn Looked up and her yellow eyes were only the beginning of Darkness....

(Back at port pulltown)

Jenny: So can i help you two?
Brock: You can help be by lending me your heart and-


Grogunk ued Posion jab and dragged Brock over somewhere.

Ash: our friend was captured and Nusre Joy said you could help us.
Jenny: captuured...not again...
Brock: That's what nurse Joy said!
Jenny: I managed to catch two grunts who finished moving two trainers and some Pokemon.
Ash: Who are they...
Brock: Ash clam Down this doesn't look easy to tell....
Ash: "Sigh" Sorry officer.
Jenny: They call themselvels Chiper...
Brock: Chiper?
Jenny: There an organazation that captures and tortures pokemon.
Ash: Grrr...
Jenny: and trainers....
Ash: WHY have they come to Shinno?
Jenny: They have been capturing Pokemon that aren't naive to there original reagion.
Brock: Where do they come from?
Jenny: They come from the far off Orrie Reagoin
Ash: Orrie?
Jenny: It's home to a group of theives called Team Snagem.
Ash: More Theives.

This is an emergency broadcast!

Newslady: Somehow in the FAr Off Orrie Regoin the base of the notourious theives Team Snaggam has been Blow up. Causes are unknown but are being reaseached...

Ash: What's the quickest Way to Orrie?
Jenny: There's a boat that's about to sail off to orrie. if you hurry you can catch it!
Brock: Thanks!

Our heros have started to set sail for Orrie! What new adventures will our heros face? Find out NEXT TIME!

P.S: This would have been up soon but i hit a shortcut to a different site therefore making me start over.

Posted by icefire23 - August 11th, 2010

I Didn't think that this was a good idea at all but from all the nice comments about Part 1 i will see this story out. now without fither ado...let's get back to where we left off!

Mystery Man 1: Where the hell are we going to find Trainers in the middle of a goddamn forest!?
Mystery Man 2: Quit the whinning. If the boss says look we look.
Mystery Man 1: BAH.

(Somewhere in a lab....)

Scientist 1: hmm...
???: Will this project work?
Scientist 2: it has a 40-60 chance...
???: no 50-50?
Scientist 1: Well since this isn't our first time doing this i suppose the more trainers we do this to we will get used to programming the right codes.
???: but will it work without a chance of FAILURE!?
Scientist 2: we are 100% chance sure. So who is our NEXT victim.
???: open pod 90

( A pod came down and opened up showing Dawn inside)

???: What?
Scientist 3: Whoops forgot the audio. Try it now.
Dawn: What's going on? Where am i?
???: Well aren't YOU a cutie?
Dawn: Ewww....
Scientist 4: Boss.
???: What?
Sicentist 4: as far as the production rate of the SP are you SURE we can raise that number by converting the trainers?
???: I'm not head of this lab for NOTHING.
Sicentist 4: Sorry sir. Shall we begin?
Dawn: Begin with what? Where am i? who ARE you people?
???: Insert the tubes into the pod.

(4 metals tubes inserted into openings in the pod)

Scientist 2: BEGIN!

( a flood of dark energy started flooding down the tubes)

???: Shadow level is 20 Percent.
???: Shadow level 67% and rising.
Dawn: Please...Stop...

( The pod floods with dark energy)

Dawn: Ash....Hel....p....

( Back in the forest)

James: Well Whatever happened shouldn't of had HAPPENED!!!
Meowth: Why are YOU being so grumpy?
James: My collection of Bottle Caps was in there!
Jessy: OH quite you! I understand taht we are ALL riled up after those bitches rammed us for no reason.
Mystery Man 1: FREEZE!
James: Who are YOU guys?
Mystery Man 2: We are grunts.
Meowth: Wow so are we!
Grunt 1: Quite you talking freak of nature!
Jessy: how DARE you talk about our friend that way!
Grunt 2( ready the snag balls...)
James:GO! Stunky!
Jessy: Go! RYDON!
Grunt 1: heh...GO- Wingull!
Grunt 2: GO- GENGAR!
Meowth: Alright you new recuits you know how to fight without use telling you! NOIW GO AND SHOW THOSE GUYS WHOS BOSS!
Stunky, Ry!

Grunt 2: Gengar use hpynosis!
(rays shot out and made stnky fall alsleep)
James: Stunky WAKE UP!
Grunt 1: Wingull us water gun on that Rydon!
Jessy: Rydon use iron defense!

( Rydon's skin grew as hard as steel)
( Wingull launches the water from it's mouth and sprays Rydon)

Grunt 1: Don't you KNOW that iron defense only works for a physcal attack?
Grunt 2: Gengar you use Shadow Claw!
(Gengar's Claw turned so dark it was as if it came from the night and he slashed Stunky who was still alseep)
James: Stunky use posion Gas!

(Stucky somehow blasted a foul odor toward Gengar)

Grunt 2: HAH! Gengar is a Ghost-AND posion type so you can't posion him!
Grunt 1: Wingull use Hydro pump!
Jessy: Rydon use Horn attack!

Rydon dogded the water wingull shot and rammed it with it's horn.
Jessy: Now use STOMP!

As Wingull lay wounded Rydon raised it's foot.

Grunt 2: Gengar use phychic and send that big lug flying!

Gengar lifted up Rydon who was wonder what the hell was going on...Then he slammed him dowm.

Grunts 1& 2: GO- SNAG BALL!

Pokeballs captured Stunky AND Rydon.

Meowth: Hey YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
Grunt 2: I THINK we just did.
Jessy: Who ARE YOU Guys?!
Grunt 1: Wingll use Shadow rush.
Team Rocket: WHA!

Wingull charged up dark energy and was a about to ram Rocket when...


Wubuffet Used COUNTER! and that send Wungull flying!

Grunt 2: WHAT THE FUCK?! Gengar use Shadow ball!

Gengar sent a dark blob and wubuffet!

Jessy: Use mirror coat!

Wubbfett's body turn into a mirror and sent back the shadow ball.

Gengar:( AH SH-.)


Grunt 1: I agree.
James: GO- Mime Jr.

Mime mime!

Grunt 1: Go- Golbat!
Grunt 2: GO- JINX!

Jame: Use Teeter Dance!
Grunt 2: Jinx use sweet kiss!

Jinx rushed up to mime Jr. and kiss him on the cheek making him fall alseep.

James: Not again!

Grunt 1: Go snag ball.

Now Mime Jr.'s been captured.

Grunt 2: I've had enough fooling around.
Grunt 1: me too.
Grunt 2: Jinx use bizzard so we can take these guys!


Jinx created a hailstorm freezing Team Rocket.

Grunt 2: alright let's take these guys back to the boss.
Grunt 1: right

(back at the lab)

Dawn: uh...where am i?
Warden: glad to see you awake.
Dawn: What happened?
Warden: hang on a second. I'll let the boss know you are awake.

(mintues later)
( Dawn was sitting on her bed trying to remember what happened.)

???: Ah you're awake...good.
Dawn: where am i you CREEP!? and where are my Pokemon?!
???: Well i'm NOT premmitted to say where you are but. I can anwser what happened to you.
Dawn: explain then.
???: i've turned you into...a Shadow Trainer.
???: ( holds up a mirror) look for yourself/

( Dawn looks in the mirror and sees herself covered in a Dark Aura)

Dawn: What is this?
???: all will be explain in due time...for now i must test your battling skills.

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Where have these mysterious men taken Dawn? What are Shadow Trainers? What are SP? find out( maybe) NEXT TIME!

Posted by icefire23 - August 10th, 2010

Yeah i'm starting it now....

Pokemon. Their mysterious creatures that we live with. some are pets and some or partners. This world is inhabitited by them. Even some that only show up when they are needed. Pokemon are mysterious creatures...but the fact is that people are out there...trying to control a power that is beyond there reach...

Ash, Dawn and Brock have just returned from defeating Team Rocket in a nearby forest.

Ash: when will those guys give up?
Dawn: I dunno but i hope they relize that they've been fired already.
Brock: if not then probably soon.
Pikachu: Pika PIKA!
Brock: I think we should be able to set up camp here for the night.
Dawn: Good idea.

(Somewhere else....)

James: oh how could we keep losing to those twerps over and OVER!
Jessy: The problem is our Pokemon! They are to WEAK!
Meowth: I resent that!

(rustle rustle)

Jessy: What was that?
Meowth: it came from the bushes.

The idiots creep up to the bushes...

Jessy: 3...2...-


A fowl odor crawled up into there noses.

Meowth: Oh GOOD GRIEF!

A wild Stunky crawls out.

Stunky:( What the HELL!? I thought this was a people free zone) Stunk-
James: What did it say?
Meowth: HE thought is was a safe zone to spary it's gas...and he's sorry.
Jessy: Sorry doesn't get the stink off of us! GO! Yanmega!

Yanmega pops out of the ball...looking quite tired and wonder what the hell is going on.

Yanmega: ( do you know HOW EARLY IT IS RIGHT NOW?!)
Meowth: yeah yeah just use your gust and spray this stink of us.
Yanmega: ( FINE)

Yanmega starts flapping it's wing and the stench makes the bushes on the other side rustle.

James: Now what?

A Wild Rydon leaps out of the bushes!

Meowth: Sorry please don't kill us!
Stunky: (Sorry Rydon taht's my fault)

Rydon crosses it arms and looks away.

Jessy: I have an idea... How would you two like to join us?
Rydon: Hm?
Stunky: ...

The two look at each other and nod.

James: YES! I'll take the Stunky.
Jessy: look slike Rydon is ALL mine...
Meowth: now we can use these two gus agaisnt the twerps!

( The Next morning.)

Ash: Man i was sleeping like a BABY!
Brock: how so?
Ash: i cried woke up wet my bag and cried myself to sleep.
Dawn:...........I think we should just move on.
Piplup: pip!

The three started moving when Dawn trip on something. and her pokeballs roll away.
Ash: ( i just saw under her skirt.....AWESOME)


James: YES we got one!
Jessy: Now we head up...

Dawn: Whew that was a close one.


( a Cage trapped Dawn)

Ash: Dawn are you okay?

James: is that the sound of worry i hear?
Jessy: OH don't worry they have much to fear!
James: on the wind!
Jessy: through the Stars~
Meowth: in your ear!
Jessy: putting the do-goodersin there place!
James: sracthing hope putting fear in it's place!
Meowth that's a name!

Brock: oh you guys again!
Ash: Let Dawn Go!
James: if you want her so bad take her!
Ash: Pikachu use thunder Bolt!
Pikachu: Pika-CHU!

Pikachu shot the thunder out of his body but it go redirected to Rydon.

Ash: what the?
Jessy: meet our new pokemon!
Brock: a Rydon...
Ash Pikachu use IRON TAIL

Pikachu spun around to gain speed then tried to smack it into Rydon.

Jessy: Rydon use iron defense!

Rydon's Body grew as hard as diamond. Pikachu slammed his tail into Rydon's chest but it ended up hurt him more the Rydon.

Brock: GO-Happiny!


James: Go-Stunky! use night slash!

Stunky's claws turned as black as night and he raked Happiny with them.

Brock: Happiny NO!

Jessy: Rydon use Take down!

Ash: Dodge it!

Pikachu leap out of the way but Stunky rammed him back into it!

Pikachu: PIKAAAAA!

Pikachu fell to the ground.
Ash: ( runs up to Pikachu) Are you okay?!
James: Well we've had enough fun with you three but we must take our package!
Jessy: Use earthquake Rydon!

Rydon stepped on the ground with an incredable force that could break a volcano. in turn casued Ash and Brock to fall over.

Meowth: Bye now twerps!

(Later in the day)

Meowth: Why didn't we think of this before?!
James: how should we know?
Dawn: you better let me our or-
Jessy: or what?
Dawn: I'll bring out my Mamoswine!
Meowth: HA! We thought you'd try taht and made this cage able to hold a TON of mamoswines.
Dawn: How much is a ton?

Meowth checks the results...

Jessy: that's is a TON!

A gaint black BLIMP Rammed into the hot air ballon!


(after the crash)

Mystery Man 1: i think it landed in this area right here...
Mystery Man 2: Look Right here!

the two found Dawn kocked out with scraps and brusies.

Mystery Man 1: Is she still alive?
Mystery Man 2: Yeah she's just knocked out.
Mystery Man 1: You think SHE'S perfect for the experiment?
Mystery Man 2: The boss did say to find any trainer.
???: I'll take her to the lab. You find at least 2 more. I think the drivers of the Blimp we rammed we some. if you can't find them someone else will.

Mystery Men 1 & 2: YES SIR!

What's going on? Why has Dawn Been captured twice? Well Ash and Brock recover from there appemt to save Dawn? Who are the mystery men? Find out...in part 2

Posted by icefire23 - August 9th, 2010

yeah i censored it sew me.

My dad SOLD MY WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!! Now i can't play BRAWL! (which is actually the ONLY game he left me with.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHI AM SO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW!

Posted by icefire23 - August 6th, 2010

I NEED to find a name for the hero in pokemon coluseeum. if ANYONE has a good name in mind comment plz.

Posted by icefire23 - August 5th, 2010

yeah... story i made up while i was in New York.

It's has the story from Pokemon colloseum which i can't seem to remember...I need the story from colloseum before i can start cause i can't remember some of the story. I need the story line and the admins names from Chiper.

also...I'M BACK!

Posted by icefire23 - July 5th, 2010

Abou to go to New York. 5 minutes. If i'm on probably checking stuff. nothing more nothing less.

See you guys in August!

Posted by icefire23 - July 4th, 2010

Here are some changes that should've been in brawl that I THINK should be in there.

1. If you stop a match in mid battle then you should be able to save and continue that match until you finish it.

2. There should be some more items. Like More Power ups like: The fire flower should transformyou into a different forms. Like Fire Fox or Fire Snake. and Ice flowers and other transformers.

3. 2 player cassic mode. seperate from 1 player.

4. two player Wi-fi adventure mode. Like you play with your friends on wifi and do The Subsapce emisary.

Sonic: He should have some different Moves. What's the point of having 2 spindash moves. And his meteor smash should be the axe kick he had in Sonic Battle.

These sound good right?

Posted by icefire23 - July 2nd, 2010

On Monday. So I won't be on as MUCH. I MIGHT be on but that's just to check post adn read messages. other then that i won't be on. so i'm savoring every moment i got until i go.

Posted by icefire23 - June 30th, 2010

Is AWESOME! The story could use a LITTLE more detail but the game itself is AWESOME. I like the new enemies and the battle system. I also like the charcters in the game. My favorite one is Sazh. The comic relive. The new level up system is pretty cool to. And the game also has some cool girls.