View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Joined on 7/8/09

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o.o okay...yeah at least dj gave up on vanessa...she really isnt worth it. in fact, i used to have a crush on her..but as time passed i saw how quick she went through men..and she is just not my type. i never really understood what he saw in her... but oh well..

There's a girl from me middle school JUST like that. She's dated SOOO many dudes it ridiculous! She IS not to bad looking but still she goes through guys like there's no freakin tommorow. Every 2 weeks. NOT EVEN KIDDING. THAT is how fast she'll get a guy, break up, and find someone else.

yeah..looking for sex....that never gets ya anywhere... -_-.

probs. She can't seem to stay in relationships for very long.

that to.....yep...alot of that to! o.O anyways...it dont really matter does it? long is it aint us..

got a point there

yeah...i hate it when i have a point =p

haha. i like it when i do have a point. since i always win arugements like that. then again who doesn't?

good point..lol. anyways im pobably gonna call it a night....see ya on tomorrow's post...if ya have one by then....or we could just talk over this post, whatever...

ok. Morning. LOL.

So, what'd I miss? :)

Nothing much. She didn't come on yesterday which sucked. but hey still got today tommorow, and you get the idea.

uh...so either way nothing really new is it?

nope. i would hate it if my stride ended.

yeah...that would really suck...alot! but you cant give up yet! you still got your chance...

Who said i was giving up? I gotta Slide back into my Stride!

well i never said you were giving up...i said DONT give up. either way at least something is going right for one of us...err..but enough of my feeling sorry bout myself...im gonna move on! i dont really care either way...being single is not so bad. =p

I've been single all throughout Middle School. it's not to bad. and couples were rare in middle school. like seriously.

well its not rare in highschool!! everyone's look for some ass...-_-. but not everyone is like that....like me...and a few others...

Well Couples were rare because everyone wanted to go for the Hot Girls ( or as i called them, Mainstream Girls) and there were only like 10 of them. i didn't think they were Hot, they're good looking but not hot.

well at my school, there are not many good lookin girls...maybe bout 10 or less. but the ones that are are really pretty. some girls at that school dont care about thier looks and let themselves go..errr! oh well doesnt matter cause all the pretty girls go for them black football players, basketball, whatever!!

Yeah a lot of girls are into guys that play sports.

"Slide back into my Stride"? Try again next time, Busted Rhymes. XD

Well i could've said i could Glide back into my Stride.

wish i had a girl worth fighting for -_-.

we need more girls in our school!!!

you don't have a lot of girls in your school wow.

yeah not many...and if they are their black girls....errr...id like to meet a nice girl for once....

well there was only 1 black girl in my middle school (6-8th grade) and she was nice

well the girl i had a crush on...still do...is a black girl and she lives down the street from me....but she was a looker...she she had some white in her...kind of a brownish skin tone...and uuhhhh....something bout that just..errr....


hmm...is right!! hmmmmm......... oh well, im sure(maybe) we will get some new students (girls hopefully) < that would be nice =p

haha. in Highschool for me there will be PLENTY of girls.

Damn you!!! err!!! oh well, bet i get laid before you haha! =D ..(not likely...)

you are a year older then me, and i not plan on getting laid until i'm at least 18 or so. and i will use protection!

well...im not really gonna get laid any time soon...in fact i could care less. some guys just wanna F**K now and worry bout it later...this is the reason for teenage pregnancy.. err... and im not really gonna have sex until im sure im ready or married. you know...i dont just wanna F**k and thats it you know...i want a relationship that lasts...love not lust...and some girls are like that, F**k worry bout it later..ugh...this world is so messed up! and hell people start talking bout sex (hell they already know most of what sex is) at younger ages like 14, 13, 12, hell younger!

Yeah that's pretty much what i'm thinking, and what i'm going to have to deal with.

For me Highschool is divded into 2 things. Homework, and Drama

Drama never dies =(
it really sucks...in fact some one started (when i first started highschool) saying i was gay...but i've never done anything gay in my life or even thought of being gay, if anything im way the F##k to far from even being close to being gay! but they liked seeing how pissed i got...finally i stopped giving a shit what they said...and now they dont mess with me.

That's the best Revenge. not giving a shit when people make fun of you. it takes away their power.

yep!! makes them look stupid!! XD in the end i get the last laugh!

When people decide they want to mess with me, i already don't give a damn. so i'm just like: whatever, call me what you want. it doesn't change anything.

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