View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

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Charcter Bios from Smash Bros Saga

Posted by icefire23 - April 30th, 2010

Mario: The Hero of the story! Mario is a kind hearted person but get on his bad side and your in for a pretty long fight. In the Story Mario works With his friends and eninmies to avgvene Bowser and Rescue Peach.

Sonic: Mario's Best friend. Sonic thinks of Mario as a very close friend. Mario will often Team up with Sonic and deliver devestaving blows. You wouldn't want to face these two in a 2 on 2 battle. Sonic Hates swearing even though he does it a few times himself(Hypocrite) Sonic constantly gets harssed By Amy. It's unclear witheir Sonic likes Amy or not.

Luigi: THe man in green A.K.A Luigi! Luigi is the easiest perosn to scare. But when forced to fight he will and he's quite a beast making him my second favorite charcter. Luigi has a kind heart and a very senitive personallity. If you see him paired up with Shadow...you really DON'T want to know...

Amy: Sonic's Girlfriend...or thats what see calls herself. In the story she loses her memory and is staying in a Toad house until the start of Chapter 1 where the groups finds her in the Koopa Town. Amy is quite violent ONLY if prevoked. THe only way to get her angry is to threaten or filrt with Sonic(IF you're a girl for the second way) Overall shes a nice person.

Peach: Mario girlfriend! That's what to call her. Peach is the princess of the Mushroom kingdom(in case you didn't know). Altough she has some very odd powers. she can float and bring up turnips from the ground. I mean who does that. Although her live currently relies on the Master Hands Power Since the Final Battle with Tabuu in subspaces.

Snake: Soild Snake My 3rd favortie! Snake is the brains of the group. well mostly. He comes up with tactical plans help and or hurting the group serverly. he has a crush on Samus as well as Captian Falcon.

Samus: the Hot bounty hunter! Samus was prhapred and rasied by an alien race. That's where her moves and weapons come from. She Has amazing agilty which makes her a forced to be reconked with. She has a crush on...well...i'm not gonna say.

Link: The holder of the Triforce of Courage! With his Master Sword and other weapons i'm not gonna name. He is a true battler. His gale boomerange makes the foes come towards him even though they don't have a choice. He and Zelda are going through some relationshop problems right now.

Meta Knight: Not much is known about Meta Knight. He built the Halberd which was taken by Tabuu. although he got it back it was destroyed soon after. The only true thing about Meta Knight is that he is like Kirby. infact he may be one!

Bowser: Mario's arch enime! Bowser HAs tried for years to rule the Mushroom kingdom win Pach's Heart AND kill Mario all at the same time. But in the Story Bowser is murdered By the Puppet Master.

Pit: The general of Patulena Troopers. Pit and Peach never really got along during the Subspace emissary bat have started a SLOW friendship. Although they may hate each other if you pair these to up STAY OUT OF THE WAY!

Yoshi: Mario's 2nd best friend. Yoshi Has the abilty to lay eggs and turn intoa dragon if needed.

Jr. Troopa: One of Mario's old foes. He became a good guy after Dedede's Castle was in subspace and Luigi and Ness freed him.

Dr. Eggman: Sonic' foe. Eggman doesn't fight but his robots fight for him. Eggman CAN fight but he hasn't descovere dthe potental to do so. He sports an IQ of 300. altough for a smart person he really is dumb. He hopes to rule the world and start his EGGMAN EMPIRE!

Tails: Sonic 2nd Best friend. Altough Tails is YOund he also sports and IQ of 300. ad he USES well. Sonic Thinks of Tails as his little brother and his always by his side. Tails bulit his plane the toando and has been used al lot since it's creation.

Shadow: THe ULTIMATE LIFEFORM...or so he says. Shadow was created By Professer Gerald (Eggman's grandfather) Soon after Shadow was first realsed Gealrd had SPace conlony Ark crah into the planet but Sonic and Shadow stopped his evil plan for suiside. Shadow desrpises G.U.N for killing Maria his only friend. But Shadow can use moves like Choas control and Chaos spear in which BOTH moves are powered up greatly if Shadow has a Choas emerald. Shadow Also likes yes LIKES to Think of Peach as Maria Becasue in his Eys she looks like her and her words are the same.

Knuckles: the worlds strongest Echdia! Knuckles is the guardien of Angel island and the MAster emerld. Knuckles CAn be smart but over the years he's become an idiot. In the story he is found in Dry Dry desert with the expedtion team.

Rouge: A G.U.N agent. Rouge likes Jewels(and Shadow) She takes her job like a chance to get more jewels to increase her collection.

Mecha Sonic: He used to be Metal Sonic but during the escape of the island of the anicents Metal Sonic felt the need to protect his friends on the Falcon Flyer( Sonic, Amy, Megaman, Zero, Pikachu, and Samus) Fronm Meta Ridley.Metal Sonic for some strange reason LOVES Amy. Either he's the exact opposite of Sonic or the same. meaning Sonic eithers hates and likes Amy.

King Dedede: The King of Dreamland or so he says. Dedede holds a hammer that is atcullay amachine inside. He was aware of Tabuu and his plot the whole Subspace emissary but he couldn't do anything more when Bowser crashed into his castle.

Zelda: the princess of Hyrule. Zelda can use magic and transfrom into Sheik a being with more speed then Zelda could EVER reach.

Ganondorf: Link's Rival. Ganon always tries to capture Zelda but he never had the chance ot rule Hyrule. Link find it ironic that the triforce is supposed ot stop evil but the holder of the Power piece IS evil.

Daisy: Luigi's Girlfriend! Daisy enjoys explosives and guns. she has a fast temper and a quick gun hand so watch out. Daisy is also Peach's sister.

Kriby: the HERO of Dreamland. Kirby can inhale his enimes and use there abilties agaisnt them provided they HAVE any. Kriby can't speak so Meta Knight often has to speak FOR him. Kriby also has a bottomless stochmach.

Oilmar: The captain of the Pikmin. HE can bring them up from the ground and use them to fight saying as he's not Man enough to fight for himself.

Paper Mario: Not much is known about him expect that he was in subspace to rescue PEach RIGHT before TAbuu was about to kill her. favorite charcter!

Fox: The commander of Star Fox. IN the sbspace emissary he saved AMy's live from rayquaza and help Meat Knight regain his ship back.

Falco: Fox's Best friend AND bash piolot. Flaco likes to take things for himself every once in a while.

Mega Man: MEga Man was created buy Dr. Light to defeat Dr. Willy. altough WIlly is a minor threat Mega Man enjoys kicking his ass every day.

Zero: Mega Man's best friend.

Lucario: Mewtwo's rivel. Lucario challaged MEta Knight to a Brawl on th ice peak claiming that He was respoinsible for the Halberds attack on the Earth.

Mewtwo: a cold hearted Pokemon with no regaurd for what anyone else says. he hates peach and says her final breath will be MINE! quite scry actually.

Sora: The hero from Kingdom hearts! HE saves PEach from Mewtwo and he has the power of Magic and with his weapon the Keyblade he's a tough cookie. but not as cool a roxas.

R.O.B: The one who was to blame for subspace. Tabuu took control of the island of the ancitets and used it for subspace bomb production. R.O.B was pissed that two R.O.B's needed to die for the plan to work.

Silver: tHe physhic Hegdehog!

Mr. Game and Watch: the two bitten who started the prymids! Game and Watch is a Peaceful creatue who enjoys everything expect Evil.

Sr. Troopa: Mario's new foes. they meet when Goompa breaks the balconly. as you can guess his son is JR. Troopa.

Master Hand: The Master of the brawl universe NOT! He currently has some of his power on PEach keping her alive so he doesn;t fight and when he does he's not as powerful as he used to be.

Marth: the Prince of Fire emblem.

Lloyd: don't know anything about this guy.

Pikachu: The well known Pokemon from around the world He saves Samus in the Subpsace bomb factory from Ridley.

Crazy HAnd: Master Hands Brother who knows moves even HE doesn't know how to do.

Puppet Master: Save the best for last right? Puppet Master is a being who can control people and use them like puppets thereofre his name. He has hopes of ruling the universe and become Skullital Master.


Too much typing!

yes i'm sorry.

fun fun fun!!! you can burn and frezze?

yes i can. leading to the creation of Blazer and Freezer.

haha some of those bios are really funny xD

Thanks which ones?