View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Pokemon: The Shadow Project Part 6

Posted by icefire23 - August 28th, 2010

Roy: Nobody is out here expect for these red, blue and green guys.
Ash: we gotta do something!
Rui: What can we do?
Brock: we could hide along with everyone else....
Roy: oh great real.

Roy surved the three guys and fixed his vision on the red one.

Roy: the red guy we take him out.
Rui: why the red guy?
Roy: look at the way he's standing...
Ash: what's him standing have to do with anything?
Roy: "Sigh" the way he's stand means he was just in an arugment. so if we take him he'll be unfoused.
Brock: wow you're really good at reading people.
Roy: thanks.

the four walked over to the red guy

Rosso: What do you want?
Ash: we'd like to get out of this city
Rosso: HA! nice try but i've been told not to let ANYONE in or out until the boss comes back.
Roy: well we tried.
Rosso: OH you think you two can take me on?
Brock: yes they can.
Rosse: Well i'll just SEE about that. GO-Grimer and Spoink!


Roy: Go- Makuhita!


Rosso: Grimer use pound on that little pest!

Grimer closed in on Gible.

Ash: Gible dodge it!

Gible tried to move but slipped and Grimer smack gible.

Rosso: Spoik use tackle on Makuhita!

Spoink bounced toward Makuhita at a pretty fast speed

Roy: Makuhita use Shadow RUSH!

Makuhita charged up dark energy and slammed into Spoink Ko'ing it.

Rosso: Grimer use smog!

Grimer spit a posionus gas a Gible

Ash: Gible use dig!

Gible dogded the gas and dug underground.

Rosso: Stay alert Grimer!

Grimer looked around when-

Ash: NOW!

the floor cracked under Grimer and Gible rose up uppercutted grimer=Ko



Rui: That's a shadow pokemon!
Roy: awesome let's do this Makuhita!
Rosso: Use shadow rush!
Roy: Dogde it!

Quilava charged at Makuhita but he jumped.

Ash: Alright Gible use rock smash!

While Quilava was looking around for makuhita ible rushed in and slugged Quilava, casing it to slide back a little.

Roy: Alright Makuhita use shadow rush!

Makuhita came down from above and slammed itself into Quilava's back.

Rosso: Heh bad move-Qulava use Flame wheel!

Quilava's back grew flames on it's back buring Makuhita. then it spun around and rammed into Makuhita and it was charging for Gible.

Ash: Gible use dig!

Before Gible could dig Quilava rammed it.

Roy: Alright ENOUGH playing around!

Makuhita got up and seemed mad...

A dark aura surrounded Makuhita.

Ash: what the-
Brock: What's wrong with Makuhita?
Rui: it's entered "Hyper mode"
Brock: what?
Rui: that means it's own shadow power has taken over so Shadow rush it made more powerful. altough if Roy calls out it's name it might just help Makuhita open up alittle bit.

Roy: HA! i don't need some power boost to help when this! MAKUHITA!

Makuhita snapped out of it.

Roy: Use Shadow rush!

The two collided and a giant mark was left on the ground. the two stood off...


Quilava fell over.

Roy: heh. GO- POKEBALL!

roy threw a pokeball at quilava. the ball shook and then the red light dissapered.

Rosso: I may have lost... but at least we've closed the hearts of these pokemon! there is no WAY they can become normal...

the other guards left with Rosso.

Brock: i think it's time we left this place.
Roy: well it'stime we spilt up cause my bike can only hold to people.
Rui: we can't just leave this two guys here...
Ash: i have an idea!

Pikachu stared at roy and they gave eachother the same look: (oh crap...)

Ash: GO- Staraptor!


Roy: How's a pretty big bird gonna-oh i get it.
Brock: we're gonna use Starraptor to help us get up with his cycle.
Ash: that's the plan.

The four set off into the desert with Roy in the lead. they stopped at a contruction site.

Ash: what are we doing here?
Roy: i need to check in with these people to see where the nearest town is. i'll be back within 5 mintues...

(5mintues later...)

Roy: alright the nearest town is Pyrite not to far from here.
Rui: hmm that sounds familer...

The four went through the desert and entered a hellish town.

Ash: this place is....
Roy: QUITE the hell hold.

Sliva: Just stay otta the way next time
Goon: whatever...

Brock: that was odd...
Ash: hey that's a jail maybe we can get some info around there.

The 4 entered the jail and walked around the jail cells.

Roy turned at the 5th one on the right...

Trudly: Oh fuck off.
Ash: someone is emotional.
Folly: thanks to you the boss's new assisant PERSONALLY showed us what fear was.....
Trudly: THEN after that we got caught by by the cops.
Brock: that's what happens when you become villans.
Rui: alright let's go before you REALLY piss them off brock.
Ash: it's not like they an do anything.

The four walked to a big circle.

Rui: i remember this place!
Roy: how so?
Rui:This i where i saw a pretty intense battle then i got kidnapped.
Brock: do you remember what you saw?
Rui: i heard names but i don't remember them...but here was happened...

A few days ago...

Rui: ugh this place is disgusting....

A blue haired girl, Trudly and Folly walked into the circle.

Blue haired girl: alright you wimps do you remember the plan?
Trudly: you DON'T have to call us names. just becasue you MADE being Miror B.;s assiant doesn't give you the IRGHT to insult us!
Blue haired girl: yes but are YOU a shadow trainer? one of the MOST powerful trainers in the world?

Folly: no but-
Blue haired girl: then shut up.

Calda: hey you Chick.

Blue Haired girl: what...?
Calda: who are these wimps your brothers?
Trudley: NO! assisants.
Calda: heh. you seem to be the only tough one. so you gotta name?
Dawn: my name is Dawn.
Calda: spic-
Dawn: Shut up.
Calda: i don't like that tone of voice.
Trudley: if you're gonna chalge her to a battle i wouldn't

Rui: who are these rndom people?

Calda: GO-Makuhita!


Dawn: Go... Piplup.


Makuhita use vital throw!

Makuhita tried to pick piplup up.

Dawn: use peck.

Piplup pecked Makuhita causing it to drop piplup.

Dawn: enough play. Go- Shadow ball.

A dark ball captured Makuhita.


Dawn: Turdley bring out our new rectuit.
Trduley: IT'S TRUDLEY. and fine. GO- Makuhita!


Calda: you people are FREAKS.

Calda ran away like a bitch.

Dawn: THAT'S now it's done you two.
Folly: HEY!
Rui: oh no...
Trudley: that girl saw thw WHOLE thing!
Dawn: don't just stand there DO SOMETHING. i'll go infrom the boss...

(present time)

Ash: so THAT'S what happened?
Rui: yes.
Roy: well this girl charcter sounds interesting.
Brock. hey let's look around town.
Roy: agreed.
Ash: ( i miss Dawn...)

Ash looks up in the night sky imageing Dawn's face in the clouds...

Roy: hey come on.
Ash: huh? oh right...

What fate befalls our heros nows? find out next time!

Also the picture represents how ash saw Dawn's face. he must REALLY miss her.

Pokemon: The Shadow Project Part 6


I like it. Sweet pics too. X3

thanks. i'll start adding them at the end of each part now.

Awesomeness. cannot wait for part 7. also the pokemon battles are epic.

Haven't heard from YOU in a while.

so when will Dawn be showing up in present time?

ha. nope. She won't be showing up for a LONG time. Rui's flashback is the last time you'll see her for a while.

can you al LEAST tell me in a Pm when she'll show up?

i would REALLY like to but i don't wanna spoil the surprise of when she DOES show up.

OH well. i tried.

Lol XD