View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Pokemon: The Shadow Project Part 8

Posted by icefire23 - August 29th, 2010

i couldn't wait to do this part.

Roy: Go- Flaffy!
Ash: GO- Pikachu
Roy: Use thunder wave!
Ash: dogde with Quick Attack!

Flaffy shot out a weak eletric wave but Pikachu dogded it and rammed itself into Flaffy.

Roy: Alright Flaffy use thunder bolt!
Ash: counter with thunder bolt!

Both eletictic types shot out a pretty strong eletric attack that collided.

Roy: Use cotton spore!

Flaffy's cotton stuck to Pikachu.

Ash: shake it of with wuick attack!

Pikachu darted but the cotton slowed him down dramatically.

Roy: shadow rush!

Flaffy charged up dark energy and rammed Pikachu. causing him to fly back and lan d on his back.

Ash: Come on Piahcu get up and use iron tail!

Pikachu jumped in the air spun in a somersult and slammed it's tail down HARD on Flaffy's head.

Roy: heh not bad. Use charge Flaffy.

Flaffy charged energy.

Ash: Pikchu cut that charge off using thunder bolt!


The thunderbolt just made Flaffy's charge stronger.

Roy: use thunder bolt!

Flaffy's thunder bolt was as strong as Thunder when it hit Pikachu=KO.

Jugde: Pikachu is unable to battle. This victory ges to Roy.
Ash: hey this battle isn't over yet! Go- Torterra!


Roy: didn't know you had that...Use shadow rush!

Flaffy rammed itself into Torterra but he didn't seem to feel it.

Roy: oh crap this could be a problem...
Ash: use razor leaf!

Torterra's razor leafs cut Flaffy as the hit him.

Roy: Flaffy jump up!
Ash: use rock climb!

Flaffy jumped while Torterra climbed the arena.

Roy: shadow rush!
Ash: NOW!

Flaffy was rammed intensly by Torterra=KO

jugde: Flaffy is unable to battle this victory goes to Ash.

Roy: heh- GO QUILAVA! use flame wheel!

Quilava spun into Torterra.

Roy: i think it FELT that one!
Ash: use Earthquake!
Roy: jump on Torterra!

Quilava landed on Torterra and spit it's flames on it.=KO

Jugde: Torterra is unable to battle this victory goes to Roy.

Roy: Return Quilava Go -Espeon.
Ash: GO- Buizel! use aqua jet!

Buizel shot out like quick attack but with water surrounding it.

Roy: use confusion.

Espeon stopped Buizel in it' tracks and slammed it down.

Roy: now use swift.

Espeons stars hit Buizel aimlessly.

Ash: Buizel use water gun!

Buizel shot out a gush of water.

Roy: Light screen!

A barrier of light surrounded Espeon reducing Buizels Water attack.

Ash: now use ice punch!


Another barrier surpressed Buizel's i Punch Power But Espeon was frozen.

Ash: ALRIGHT! huh?
Roy: Epeons ablitly shncronize allos him to pass status affects over. but since i gave Espeon a lum berry he's UNFROZEN!

Ash: oh no! Buizel thaw out quick!
Roy: use swift!

Instead of start Espeon shot out a dark blob of energy. and that hit Buizel pretty hard.

Roy: alright you learned Shadow ball.
Ash: Buizel use sonic boom!

The noise from Sonic Boom allowed Buizel to thaw out.

Ash: use Aqua jet!
Roy: shadow ball!

Before Buizel could reach Espeon he shot out a shadow ball and Buizel got KO'ed

Jugde: Buizel is unable to battle, this victory goes to Roy.
Ash: (ugh...i'm getting creamed here...) GO- Gliscor!
Roy: Espeon return. GO- umbreon!
Ash: Use Fire fang!

Gliscor's fang's went to flames.

Roy: heh.... Confuse ray!

Umbreon shot a sinsister ray that made Gliscor ramm into the wall.

Ash: SNAP out of it! and use Metal Claw!

Gliscor hit itself wth it's metal Claw.

Roy: use iron tail Umbreon.

Umbreon ran up and slammed it's hard tail into Gliscor.

Ash: alright use steel wing!

Gliscor came to it's senses and glided towards umbreon with i's hard wings.

Roy: Dark Pulse!

Umbron shot a dark aura at Gliscor=KO

Roy: Wow YOU don't stand a CHANCE.
Ash: alright let's go Gible!
Roy: Alright return Umbreon. GO Makuhita!
Ash: Gible use rock smash!
Roy: arm trust!

Makuhita countered Rocksmash by repeatedly hitting Gible with it's hands.

Ash: Take down!

Gible rammed itself into Makuhita but he took the hit.

Roy: Vital throw!

Makuhita picked up Gible and threw him.

Ash: alright i didn't want to do this but...use DRACO METEOR!

Gible shot out a red orb and it seemed to fail....and it fell halessly toward Makuhita.

Roy: i've NEVER seen Draco meteor but i don't THINK it's supposed to look like that.

The red orb exploxed on Makuhita=KO

Ash: Hey it's wasn't complete but that was a CLOSE second.
Roy: Damn...GO- Skiploom! use Mega drain!

Skiploon jumped on top of Gible and drained it's remaining HP=KO

Ash: Alright GO- Staraptor! use close combat!

Staraptor got close to skiploom and beat the shit out of it.

Roy: oh you thinks that's funny huh? use shadow rush!

Skiploomn rammed into Staraptor.

Ash: use aireal ace!

Staraptor flew so fast when it flew by Skiploom it was like it never moved. but as for Skiploom=KO.

Roy: GO- Espeon!
Ash: use brave bird!

Staraptor flew up and flew down at a low altitude.

Roy: Dogde!

Espeon moved and Staraptor hit the wall=KO.

Ash: My last pokemon...GO infernape!
Roy: use conufsion!

Infernape rammed itself into the wall.

Ash: use Mach punch!

infernape flew and BLinding speed but the Barrier from before surpressed the damage plus it not being very effectice did nothing.

Ash: you can do it! use flame thrower!
Roy: Light screen!

the screen refleced the flamethrow hitting infernape=KO.

Jugde: and the WINNER IS ROY!

Roy: heh. nice try. maybe next time.

Rui: how'd it go?
Roy: i kicked his ass.
Brock: well at least your pokemon had a chance to battle right Ash?
Ash: yeah it wasn't all THAT bad.

The four started to leave the brigde when a blue dressed guy was there.

???: so you are the one who won?
Roy: yeah i heard you get a Shadow pokemon.
???: right this way.

The man lead them inside the buiding.

???; Here's the winner.
????: looks familer...
Roy: no i don't.
Brock: you must have him mistaken for someone else.
????: YOU IDIOT!
???: WHAT?!
Chiper chick: you brought the enemy into our HIDEOUT!
Chiper Guy: oh fuck. GO- Yanma and pinceo!

Ash: GO- Buizel
Roy: go- Epeson!
Rui: That Yanma is a Shadow Pokemon
Nore(chiper Guy): Pinceo use headbutt!
Ash: Buizel use Aqua jet!

Buizel's aqua got more power and knocked Pinceo back.

Roy: Esepeon use Shdadow ball on that Shadow Pokemon!

Espeon shot out a dark blob and Yanma got it and flew into that wall.

Roy: GO- Great ball!

Yanma was captured and sent to the PC box.



BOOOM! the only real damage that was done was to Pinco=KO

Nore: oh great as if this day can GET better... I'm leaving!

Rui: hey what's this(picks up file)
Ash: what's it say?
Rui: it's some guy called EIn's science research...he works for Chiper...
Brock: well WHAT does it say?
Rui: The project has been a sucsess...we have created the ULTIMATE Shadow trainer. sadly we could only find three trainers to find for this. the others were failures.
Ash: grr... using people like that....
Rui: The first two we tried were ALMOST a suscess bu the third one named-
Brock: named what?
Rui: ugh it gets cut off here.
Roy: well standing around doing nothing won't help use rescue that Pulse OR get to te bottom of the Missing Silva.
Brock: you have a point let's get a move on.

While they were walking in the building Roy found a teasure cehst with 5 great balls.

Roy: SCORE. free great balls!

And then they continued.

They came to the top of the building but there was a door.

Roy: you guys ready?

They entered and they saw to girls talking.

Silva: Let me go!
Reath: you wish.
Ferma: Hey intruders!
Silva: guys!
Roy: okay so HERE'S how it's gonna work. you let the kid go and and we'll just take that cave exit or-
Reath: you WISH! GO- Remoid and Luvdisc!
Rui: the fish is the Shadow Pokemon!

Roy just threw a great bll and caught it NO problem.

Reath: Luvdisc use tackle!

Ash: use thunder bolt!

Pikachu KO'ed Luvdisc.

Ferma: you are SO weak GO- MANTINE AND AIPOM!

Roy: Don't even say it...the giant manatine is the shadow?
Rui: yep...
Roy: umbreon use iron tail on Aipom!
Ash: pikachu use Thudner bolt on Mantine!

Umbreon KO'ed Aipom and Pikachu got Mantine down to low health.

Roy: let's try using THIS!

Roy pulled out a dive ball.

Roy: this works on Pokemon who tend to live in the sea.

Roy threw the dive ball and it caught Mantine.

Ferma: OH NO! Let's scram!

the two left downstair to the elevator.

Brock: Silva are you okay?
Silva: yeah. i can't move but i'll be fine.

Miror B.: oh no looks like my MAN assiatant is the only on i can COUNT on...well...good bye chickens

Roy: get back here you FREAK!

the four followed Miror B. into a cave but the guy guarding it wouldn't let them through.

Ash: get out of our way!
Doken: i don't think so. unless you can beat me.

Roy looked at Ash....

Doken's Shadow Quifish was stolen and Pikachu zapped the shit outta him

Aftera LONG journey trough the cave of catch some SHadow Pokemon...

Ash: do you here...Music?
Roy: i think we found him

The door opened and Miror B. was dancing to some music.

Miror B.: oh you just HAVE to spoil my party don't you?

Rui: we came here to free that Pluse and defeat you!
Miror B: oh REALLY now? just try me!

Pokemon: The Shadow Project Part 8


The event I'VE been waitning for! MIROR B! :D

I'll try to make this boss battle as epic as i can.

Miror B looks freaky lookin.

it was the best picture i could find for him. the good ones were WAY to small.