View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Joined on 7/8/09

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You know someone's sorry when they call themselves

Posted by icefire23 - May 26th, 2011

Ok so a few days ago one of my friend got mad at me. in a sense we were talking and i guess i said something that caused her to cut me off in mid sentence and storm off. So then i've spend the last 3 days trying to figure out WHY she was mad at me and she wouldn't tell me. it's like how do you expect me to fix this if i don't know how it's broken? So then i remembered i at I was mad at her and i told her yesterday that i couldn't believe how she was acting. and when she asked me to forgive her i did it without a second thought. so i learned that she was mad at me because of how much i talk to her about margaret and pretty much nothing else, WHICH i can understand, but then again if she wanted me to stop talking about her all she had to do was ask me to stop nicely. And then a few hours later i told her that and she said she was sorry for acting like a bitch. which i found quite funny because last time this same person was mad at me it was a lot worse.


well most of ur posts and oldposts used to be about margrate or rachel

hm. true. but then again most of them were before margaret became my girlfriend. and to be honeslt i only talked to my friend about her once or twice.

evenso but lots of people get irratated when some1 talks about 1 thing even if its not that much

true. but since you don't know my friend you can't understand how she acts. it's very confusing, honestly. even i don't understand that much. and all she had to to was ask me nicely to stop. but at least all is well and good now.