View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Video Game Enemie that Scares me the most.

Posted by icefire23 - June 14th, 2011

That lil Bastard right there. Ever since i was a little Kid and played Sonic Adventure 2 that guy has scared the living hell outta me, and he always will.

But i wanna know, which Video foe scares you the most.

Video Game Enemie that Scares me the most.


oh jesus

bro when i was 4 playin mario 64 when i went to the locked door and the evil laugh came it scared the living piece of shit out of me

Ah that. how old were you?

The zombies from Maximo: Ghosts to Glory. The bones and chopped off parts would always appear in my dreams. So......evil....... o_o"

oh that sounds just wonderful....

To you.

Oh those horrific memories..... O_O;

i was being sarcastic.

But Boom Boo's will always scare the living hell out of me. what's funny is that i'm not afraid of King Boom Boo. I think he's pretty cool. but his Freakin minions...WHY SEGA!? WHY?!!??!?!!?

Why indeed! I can only imagine what happens next!

Next thing you'll know the Legend of Zelda will have some scary enem-oh wait.

(Turns around and sees 5 redeads)




Like somethin out of a horror movie! DX

(Redeads spots Shadic)

Huh?! Gaahhhh!!!! *runs*

(Redeads chase verrrrrrryyyy slowly.)

*sweat drops from face*

And here I thought they were fast. *chucks rocks at em* Die, you filthy beasts!

Readed: SCREAM!

(Shadic get's paralayzed from fear and they chain scream making him unable to move until they catch up for the 50 feet they were behind him and prepare to eat.)

What the?! *breaks the 4th wall by talkin to the author* Hey! What the hell, man?! T__T

Author: Wait for it...

(Icefire23 breaks down the wall and comes through with a super tank.

Icefire: SOOOO you wanna get in or would you rather get your face eaten off?

@soda561 it says i was 4

oh i didn;t understand that part. BUt i can understand why that would scare you. Little kid+evil laugh=Brown pants.

!!!! *Gets into tank*

Get 'im!

Icefire: Ready, Aim, FIRE!

(Giant blast comes out of the Cannon killing all redeads.)

And Shadic and Icefire saved the world (somehow) and they went their seperate ways.

*walks along path* I wonder whatever happened to that brave soldier. He was confident, tactful........and he stole my 20 BUCKS! Damn it! DX

I'm not scared of ghosts.........
(Redead comes behind me)
( I turn around)
(Pulls out Chaos Emerald)

The zombies from Conker's Bad Fur Day.

oh i've seen those guys on Conker's Live and Reloaded but i'll see them in Bad Fur day soon.

They look almost the same in both versions. BTW Live and Reloaded's single player is just a remake of Bad Fur Day.

Yeah i know, but someone is doing a Lets play of Live and Reloaded on Youtube and has gotten past that part and they do look pretty creepy in that game. And someone else is doing a BLIND Let's Play of Bad Fur day, so he's in for a surprise. But so far he's making Dick for Progress.