View Profile icefire23
"When the world fall a new leader will rise...and that leader...will be me. " The Puppet Master

Age 27, Male

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Joined on 7/8/09

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I must be really dang gulible

Posted by icefire23 - June 20th, 2011

i mean honestly how could i get pranked so easily TWICE?! At least not buy the same 2 people "cough cough SHYGUY* But seriously? So basic run down i was talking to one of my friends on Facebook and we were having a blast. and then towards the end She starts saying stuff like leave me alone and at first i was like...ok that all caps isn't making me laugh (inside joke) and she kept saying it and then she left, and then the next day (yesterday) I'm like uh...hello? and she goes: haha you're so gullible.

But i already have my Payback plan all set and ready to go...MUHAWHAW....


You sad sad fool. Twice? and both buy girls and dude you know like the back of your hand? haha. nice failure. But i'm pretty sure i'm just as easy to fool.

Correction, EASIER to fool.

You just got Punk'd. :D

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKEwKszRTTc&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKEwKs zRTTc&feature=related</a>

I think that's the 2nd time by her? haha. But my Payback is all set.

Better hope Shyguy doesn't get involved. XD

I think he has other problems to deal with: http://shyguydude1.newgrounds.com /news/post/601111 just read the entire thing, it's not that long.

And besides, mine payback won't be a deceiving trick like hers. i just have some nicknames for her that she really doesn't like and when i say them her reactions are hilarious.

He stole her iTouch? Oh, lulz.

That's right. Take a different revenge route!

I need a new plan, she saw right though mine, mostly because i accidentally gave her a fair warning. but my new plan is even more devious!

and yeah Shyguy's pretty screwed. i can only imagen what's happening to him right now. lol.

You're a faggot. Kill yourself.

But not really.

*Sniff Sniff*

oh you were kidding. almost had me there

But not really.

Why did you do that?! That's not devious at all! You've got about as much deviousness as an elephant. -__-'


Always keepin it spicy, huh chillbro? :P

haha it slipped out. But trust me this girl is to smart for her own good. and VERY VERY clever.

That's gonna be the death of me i know it.

and I guess you could say Chillbro is a CHILLYPEPER! OH WOW THAT WAS BAD...

You don't like me. I'm killing myself.

But not really.

I'm about to kill myself, no one likes me.

But not really.

Get back in the kitchen.

But really.

I'm not your slave.

But really.

That's why you have to be even MORE cunning! You hafta be sly, unsuspecting, and you can't leave ANY tracks behind! I'm tellin you, this is how you become sneaky. Trust me, I know.

"Chillypepper"? Oy. I hope you don't wanna be a comedian when you grow up. XD

Exactly. I have to out smart the smart person.

and thankfully i don't. i just come up with these bad puns and all my friends are just like ugh...

That's why I play Phoenix Wright and Apolo Justice. :P

Uggghhhhh......like that? ^_^

Yeah pretty much like that.