View Profile icefire23

24 Game Reviews

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IT's actually kinda easy

i just take the middle and the top two corners and i win.

needs to be better.

HE can punch out your clone but you can't punch out his.
Your clones only last for about 3 seconds and his last FORVER!
The controls are laggy.
spelling errors.
AND Easy was pretty hard and hard was EVER HARDER!

AnthonyGTA5 responds:

Sorry the orthography errors, i do not know much English because i am Uruguaian


that battle was very fulid and the overdrive was worth it. can't wait for the full game.

razorthehedgehog responds:

well , the full game is in episodes , have rpg battles, scenes and minigames, just wait and you will see the episode 1 =D


too bad 7 will be the last for a LONG While. But about the sotry.

Sonic Will save Amy becasue he isn't alone. he's been kinda acting strange since Amy's capture.

But Sonic will prevail because he knows he can't go it alone. that's why his friends are there with them.

the last lvl

the last level is only unbeatable because when you have one space after the ice goes it GOES agian!

that's just cheap.


I found all 18 fails! AND they were funny! I also found the secret medal! great job.

IT's fun and good.

I enjoy playing this game but there hsould be enimes in the final version and should be able to eat them with your tounge. the only thing that's kinda bad is that it takes three hits to die and it's kinda hard to get out of somewhere when your stuck. so that's why i give a 7. would have given an 8 for music and a 9 if i was music i like. but this seems original so i give you props.

wow that was kinda...

AWESOME! The only thing that scared me was how he looked. his purple face and laughing sounds were kinda off. but this overrall was funny.


this game is afwul. all you do is run and jump and evade something that can hurt you. what's the point of this game?

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